November 5, 2009

One Year Anniversary!

Today marks the first anniversary of Tektonten Papercraft! Above is a photo of a shelf in my office where I keep some of the papercraft I have built in the past year. Seven of the papercraft models shown were designed by me while the rest were built from templates downloaded from the Internet. I thought I would take this occasion to share some of the stats for Tektonten Papercraft's first year...

  • Number of page views: just under 500,000
  • Number of downloads of my papercraft designs: 36,000 and counting
  • Number of original papercraft designs: 41

The top ten most popular papercraft I created from November 2008 to September 2009 (based on average downloads per day) are:

Papercraft--------------Days Posted---Avg. Downloads/day
1) Death Eater Mask #1.........46..................20.7
2) Death Eater Mask #2.........40..................13.4
3) Full Size Tron Helmet.......104..................9.9
4) HAL9000 Interface...........353..................8.9
5) Spider-Man Mask.............190..................8.1
6) Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer.....345..................7.5
7) Kanonashi (No Face) Mask..287..................7.1
8) Klingon Knife..................141..................6.8
9) Tron Bit (No)..................304..................6.7
10) Uruk-hai Sword..............196..................6.2

Here's a big "Thank you!" to everyone who supported my efforts in the past year. God willing, I am looking forward to another productive year of papercrafting fun.
-Chris at Tektonten Papercraft


  1. Congrats! may you have more hits and downloads for years to come

  2. well done! hope to see the site around for many years to come! keep up to great work.

  3. Happy blogiversary!

    I only passed my first year about a month ago.

    If I wasn't so spastic and poor with glue, I'd have downloaded far more of your works than I have.

    Still, I marvel at your works, and look forward to many more years!

  4. congratulations.may we see more of your works in the future. Goodluck!

  5. Thanks everyone for your encouraging words and support. :)
